Where’s My Crowning Glory?

They say a woman’s hair is her crowning glory, but what happen’s when that crown starts to slip away?

To say this isn’t easy to write is an understatement. It is a very personal condition that I have spent many years hiding, trying to find a solution to and not to mention agonising and crying in front of the mirror over.

Hair loss.

It affects more woman than you may realise and the main purpose of this blog is to highlight it, share my story, share my tips for dealing with it and hopefully and more importantly to make all you balding beauties out there feel like you are not alone.

This is how I felt, that I was alone. That it was just me who was losing my hair, feeling ugly, self deprecating and feeling as though no one could help or even understand.

Most of the people who know me may be shocked to find I am suffering from hair loss because I (hopefully) disguise it very well. Those close to me will know the crippling anxiety that losing my hair has brought on.

In brief I have Female Patterned hair loss caused by my genetics (thanks Dad!) and by PCOS or Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome. There will be a more in-depth post about this later so stay tuned.

For someone who appears very confident and outgoing I can assure you I am not. I struggle with anxiety because of my hair loss and have many down days when I feel, putting it quite frankly, hideous and less of a woman.

I have decided I don’t want to feel like this anymore and I don’t want anyone else, male or female, in the same position to either. This blog post is the start of many to help me deal with my hair loss and show you how you can too. We can be in this together!

This is an open platform to empower us all and embrace a common affliction that although has no negative health side effects, it can cripple you mentally and take over your life if you let it.

I have, for too long and I’m not anymore.

I urge you to comment with your stories and feel free to let me know what you want me to write about.

That’s the hard part done, I think, phew.


19 thoughts on “Where’s My Crowning Glory?

  1. Well done Aoife! You definitely hide it very well! I know many people who suffer with this and its a constant battle! Fair dues to you for writing this blog and best of luck with it! 😘🙌🏼

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You are extremely brave writing this,I’ve been in turmoil all wk due to the worry that my head will have to be shaved for neurologists to operate on me(I am hoping it wont come to that)instead of me actually focusing on the condition I have,that’s what’s important,not my hair.I realise that my biggest worry is what people will think or say about me-not in how I view myself,I went and got my hair done this wk,just to enjoy something I might not have in a few wks.keep your head up lovey,I am staying strong imagining the amazing hair pieces that exist these days!❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope everything goes well for you Lynn! Thanks for your lovely comment. Should it come to having your head shaved there is so much you can do to help your hair come back and as you said hair pieces are fantastic these days, could be fun to try some out. Brilliant idea to get your hair done and to treat yourself. Best of luck with you operation xx


  3. Aoife you are a beautiful girl inside and out. Im so happy that you have found the inner confidence to reveal a very personal truth and open a world of dialogue about those individual conditions that cripple our self esteem . We all know you are a great writer and what makes writing brilliant is honesty and you have it in abundence. #honestlegend

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Fair play aoife it’s such a hard thing to talk about for men never mind women. You’re going to inspire so many people just by talking about it. Keep your chin up cause you’re a gorgeous girl.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I applaud your courage, by speaking out about your hair loss you will make it much easier for other women to accept that this happens to many women, and also help promote better products for those that choose to conceal. The market today is so much better than it was in the past to replace lost hair, but one needs to research everything as there are also downsides that few people know about. For example, both clip-in extensions and bonding can promote hair loss if not properly attached to the hair.

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